Bs8888 drawing standards pdf
Bs8888 drawing standards pdf

Bs8888 drawing standards pdf

2017 update This updated version of the standard has been restructured to be more aligned to the workflow of designers and engineers to assist throughout the design process. 2013 update A significant change in the 2013 revision is that there is no longer a requirement to state whether specifications have been toleranced in accordance with either the Principle of Independency or the Principle of Dependency. In 2000, the was replaced by the updated BS 8888.

Bs8888 drawing standards pdf

The, who produced the standard, played an important role in the development of the international standard on technical specification in conjunction with the ISO. Over a period of 73 years it was expanded and edited until its withdrawal in 2000. History was formerly the standard for engineering drawing since 1927.Engineering Drawing & CAD Standards 2010 9 0 0 0 W e s t C o l l e g e P a r k w a y, P a l o s H i l l s, I l l i n o i s, 6 0 4 6 5 Page I-3 The information contained in this departmental standard supersedes the ASME standards listed below: ANSI/ASME Y14.2M-1992 (R2003) Line Conventions and Lettering. For example, the north and west views may be shown side- by- side, sharing an edge.

Bs8888 drawing standards pdf

The elevations specify the composition of the different facades of the building, including ridge heights, the positioning of the final fall of the land, exterior finishes, roof pitches and other architectural details.

Bs8888 drawing standards pdf