Triton Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 319 pp., ISBN 978-80-7387-584-8.īudiman, M., 2013, Toraja Funeral Rituals. Lungta, Bratislava 2002, 89 pp., ISBN 80-96 Berounský, D., 2012, The Tibetan Version of The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Quest for Chinese Influence on the Tibetan Perception of the Afterlife. Monographs Berounský, D., Slobodník, M., 2002, Labrang: tibetský buddhistický kláštor v socialistickej Číne dokumenty a svedectvá (Labrang: Tibeťan Buddist Monastýry in Socialist China Documents and Testimonies). Manchu-Mongolian relations (Philology, Linguistics and Culture) 4.12. Mongolian Ethnolinguistics and Culture 4.10. Indian and Mongolian Studies in Prague 4.8. Indian Society and Politics (in Historical Perspective) 4.7.

Indian and South-East Asian Culture and Religion 4.6. Indian Literature (Including its Relation to Czech Literature) 4.5. Indian Linguistics (Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Romani) 4.2. Mongolian and Central Asiatic Lingustics, Ethnolinguistics and Culture 2.2.3. Popular Science (Books for General Public) 1.4. Urban Tantra expands the notions of pleasure and opens new heights of intimacy and sexual fulfillment.Table of contents: 1. With more than one hundred easy-to-follow techniques for expanded orgasmic states and solo and partner play (as well as more adventurous practices), this in-depth guide reveals the delicious worlds of ecstasy available to all, no matter one's gender, sexual preference, or erotic tastes. With a juicy mix of erotic how-to and heart-centered spiritual wisdom, this updated edition includes a brand-new introduction, up-to-date references and resources, a new take on the possibilities and responsibilities of Tantra in today’s world, plus new and cutting-edge information to reach an expanded community-added information on multi-partner play, more intersections for Tantra and BDSM, practices for asexuals and aromantics, expanded practices for trans and gender nonconforming people, and more. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Urban Tantra, acclaimed sex educator Barbara Carrellas radically updates the ancient practice of Tantra for modern sexual explorers desiring to discover new frontiers. If you think sexual and spiritual bliss can't be found in today's fast-paced world, you haven't experienced Urban Tantra.