Buescher elkhart trumpet serial numbers
Buescher elkhart trumpet serial numbers

  • Serial numbers can be used to identify supposedly “better” instruments.
  • So saxophones may not be numbered sequentially.
  • Many companies make other instruments, not just saxophones and the serial numbers are spread over their entire range.
  • A famous example would be the early 30s Conn instruments. This can lead to what we call transitional models, which have some new and some old features.
  • The production of old and new models can overlap, or in some cases features of a new model appear on the later batch of the previous model.
  • Sometimes a company may hold back a batch of instruments and then release them a couple of years later.
  • Although the dates in these charts are reasonably accurate, there may be some discrepancies for various reasons. The main thing you learn from serial numbers is the age of the instrument of course. Selmer SBA Alto What Can Serial Numbers Tell Me?
  • Connstellation – Rolled tone holes discontinued.
  • Vintage Buescher, Conn, Martin, King & Selmer Serial Numbers.
  • Why do people sometimes mask the last three digits of a serial number?.
  • All profits to charity! See here for more info….
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  • Beginners Improvising In the impro section>.
  • Understanding Transposition for Saxophones.
  • D’Addario Reserve alto mouthpiece (review).
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  • Buescher elkhart trumpet serial numbers